Arts, Crafts, & More
Whether or not you are naturally talented doesn’t matter at the BASC Arts, Crafts & More programs, as we can help you learn new skills. We offer weekly programs such as Quilting and Sewing and Fiber Friends, so come socialize and even learn a new skill. We occasionally offer art/craft classes where you complete the project at the class and take it home with you.
For more information on any of the programs and services below, please contact our office at 269-695-7119 or use the “Contact Us” feature on the main menu above.

Art & Craft Classes
Art & Craft classes are offered through-out the year offering a variety of mediums to create projects and are led by an instructor.

Fiber Friends
Friends gather every Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, to work on their fiber crafts, such as crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, greeting card making, etc. Stop on by the BASC and meet new friends with similar interests.

Quilting & Sewing
Quilting & Sewing is opened to those who want to learn how to quilt and sew or those have been quilting and sewing for years. Work on your own project or work on a group project. The group meets every Tuesday from 1:00 to 3:00.