Elder Care & Special Services
We offer a variety of services to help you access resources to maintain your independence. This includes understanding and applying for Medicare and Medicaid, help filing income taxes, transportation to doctor appointments, assistance completing forms, etc. See the full array of services below.
For more information on any of the programs and services below, please contact our office at 269-695-7119 or use the “Contact Us” feature on the main menu above.

AARP Foundation
Tax-Aide Program
Volunteers from the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program offer free assistance to seniors and in filing (e-filing) their taxes. Available during Tax Season.

MMAP Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program
MMAP counselors, with the guidance of the Area Agency on Aging Region IV, are specialists trained in Medicare and Medicaid law and regulations, health insurance counseling and relevant insurance products. We help our seniors navigate and fill out forms such as Medicare Part D, Advantage Plans, Supplemental insurance, Social Security forms, Medicaid and much more. MMAP counselors are available by appointment only, call 269-695-7119 to schedule your appointment.

Homestead Property and
Heating Credits
Assist Buchanan residents with Homestead Property and Heating Credits upon request.
Call 269-695-7119 to schedule an appointment.

The BASC Cares for YOU!

Medical Transportation
The Buchanan Area Senior Center (BASC) provides transportation to doctor appointments and medical facilities for people 60+ years old in our service area. For wheelchair-bound patrons, we provide service via Berrien Bus. We require a minimum 48-hour notification to register for a ride, and service depends on availability. Demand is high, so register early. Transportation is available Monday-Friday, starting at 9:00 am and rides must be completed by 3:00 pm. We have very dedicated volunteers who help make this program possible. BASC funds this service with partial assistance from a Region IV Area Agency on Aging grant via the Older Americans Act.

Food Commodities
We offer two different food commodity programs. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides monthly food boxes for low-income seniors who are 60+ based on an individual’s income eligibility. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a quarterly Federal program that offers food boxes for low-income Americans, including elderly people. Both programs are offered at no cost through our partnership with the Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency of Benton Harbor. For more information, contact us at 269-695-7119 or using the “Contact Us” option in the menu above.

Senior Nutrition Services
The Senior Center serves congregative meals at the center for seniors. The meals are prepared by Senior Nutrition Services in Benton Harbor and are delivered to the center on weekdays. The cost of these meals is on a sliding scale based on ability to pay.

Meals on Wheels
Meals for the homebound are delivered to the center on weekdays from Senior Nutrition Services in Benton Harbor, and they are delivered by center volunteers. The cost of these meals is on a sliding scale based on ability to pay.

Callers Club
The Buchanan Area Senior Center has a senior citizen well-check calling program that utilizes trained volunteers to place well-check calls to seniors age 55 and over in the centers service area. The program is intended for seniors who may live alone, have little or no contact with others on a daily basis, or may have medical conditions that make them vulnerable. Calls are made Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 am and noon. Participants may be referred by family, friends, social workers, discharge planners, clergy, and other organizations serving the needs of the elderly.

Loan Closet
The BASC has a loan closet with a small selection of wheelchairs, canes, walkers and other home items available to individuals depending on their availability. The equipment is loaned out on a term basis to people recovering from surgery or accidents.

Veterans’ Assistance
The Berrien County Veteran’s Services Director is at the center one Tuesday afternoon each quarter to answer Veteran-related questions and assist in filling out forms.

Providing a notary service to seniors for important paperwork. Call the office to arrange an appointment, and remember to bring your identification!

Form Assistance
Staff may assist seniors with bills, food cards, and other forms they receive. Contact the Elder Care Coordinator to arrange an appointment.