Health Services
The BASC offers a variety of health services in a relaxed setting to help patrons take responsibility for their well-being. Most of these programs are at no cost and are provided by professionals from respected local organizations and businesses.
For more information on any of the programs and services below, please contact our office at 269-695-7119 or use the “Contact Us” feature on the main menu above.

Blood Pressure Checks
We offer our seniors blood pressure charting on the second and fourth Thursdays from 11:30 am to Noon. Provided by Always Best Care Senior Services.

Fasting Blood Sugar Testing/Brunch
Fasting blood sugar tests are offered by Buchanan Meadows, the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am. Buchanan Meadows also provides juice and pastries to enjoy after blood sugar tests.

Hearing Aid Checks
Dr. Michelle Ridenour, West Michigan Hearing Specialists, is at the center on the second Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 3:30 pm, for free hearing aid checks, and wax checks and removal.

Foot Clinic
Blessed Feet, LLC offers a foot clinic at our facility, the second Thursday of each month. Jane will check and clean feet, and trim toe nails for a fee. For more information and to schedule your appointment, call the BASC at 269-695-7119.

Eye Glasses
Adjustment & Repair
On the third Thursday of each month at 9:30 am, MaryAnn is available to repair and adjust eye glasses.

Vaccination Clinics
We hold an annual flu vaccination clinic in the fall and other vaccination clinics when necessary, such as a series of vaccination clinics during the COVID pandemic at which we vaccinated nearly 1,000 seniors.