Social Activities
& Games
The BASC is a place to socialize with your friends as you play a friendly board game or play cards, participate in group activities, play bingo, or eat lunch at a nearby restaurant with other patrons.
For more information on any of the programs and services below, please contact our office at 269-695-7119 or use the “Contact Us” feature on the main menu above.​

BASC Book Club
The BASC host a book club that meets in the library at the center on the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 am. The group reads and discusses two books each month, as well as discuss other books each member has read on their own.

BASC Lunch Bunch
BASC Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for people to have lunch together in a different restaurant each month, on the fourth Friday of each month at 11:30 am. ​Reservations are required, please call 269-695-7119 to reserve your seat.

Birthday Bingo
The fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm, we offer bingo with prizes, such as soaps, toiletries, paper products, word puzzles, etc. After the game we serve cake and ice cream from a local assisted living facility, in honor of the birthdays for the month.

Coffee Chat
A speaker presents a program about themselves, their business, or a collection which may include local community organizations on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am.

Freida Barker Memorial Garden
Do you like gardening or want to learn more about gardening? Then this program is perfect for you. Join the Garden Committee that tends to the beautiful Freida Barker Memorial Garden. The garden is composed of raised beds that are easy on the back and at the correct height for all abilities, including someone in a wheelchair. This garden produces fresh organic produce for our patrons and, when there is a surplus bounty, is distributed through our food commodities program.

Ice Cream Social
Love ice cream? Join the BASC on the last Monday of each month at 12:30 pm for a sweet treat of ice cream and lip-smacking toppings. Brentwood of Niles host the Ice Cream Social

Jigsaw Puzzles
The BASC has a designated table set up with a jigsaw puzzle for patrons to assemble whenever they want to work on it. Stop on by and find the next puzzle piece. Selected puzzles are mounted for seasonal display at the center and some are for sale.

Movie Matinees
Invite a friend to join you at the BASC for a free Movie Matinee the second and fourth Friday of the month at 1:00 pm. A snack will be provided, most of the time the snack is freshly popped popcorn, yum!

Besides structured programs, the BASC offers a great place to socialize with old friends and new acquaintences. There is plenty of space and many friendly faces to fill your day with good times and good company.

Playing Cards & Board Games
Playing Cards and Board Games at the BASC gives you the opportunity to use your mind in being clever to win… or sometimes it is the luck of the cards. Either way, have fun socializing with other patrons. Euchre – Mondays at 1:00 pm Mah Jongg – Mondays and Thursdays at 1:00 Pinochle – Tuesdays at 1:00 pm and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm Hand & Foot Cards – Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Game Day – Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Bring your own game or play one the BASC games located in the BASC Library and invite your friends to join you to play!

Root Beer Floats
Stop by for a good old Root Beer Float; vanilla ice cream and root beer, tasty! A local partner visits the BASC on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 pm to provide the ice cream treats.

LGBTQ+ Social
We hold a monthly social for LGBTQ+ Seniors and allies as a way to create social connections and support for an often isolated community. Angela Perrone of SAGE Metro Detroit explains that LGBTQ+ older aduts came of age during a time of significant victimization and discrimination toward LGBTQ+ people, which may make them more vulnerable to social isolation or loneliness as they age. We hold the social on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6-8 pm. For more details, contact Adam Burck at the BASC by calling 269-695-7119 or by using the "Contact Us" option in the menu at the top of the page.